Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Countdown to Austria

I leave Feb. 3 and I'm super pumped! That is the main reasons this blog was created. Apparently I will be posting pictures of my European adventures to share with the world. I think it's a good idea, it will be a good way to share my adventures with friends and family in Utah and.. everywhere else.
Today I made progress in my packing process. I am almost done cleaning my room and now all I need to do is figure out how to make 5 months worth of packing weigh less than 50 lbs. No big deal, Right? If only I was a witch like Hermione Granger, then I could just use a shrinking charm and stuff everything into a small beaded bag like in the HP7. But then again, if I was a witch I would be able to apparate which would be awesome....
Anyways! Countdown to Austria is T minus 9 days!

Monday, January 24, 2011

First post EVER

I am now in the world of BLOGGING. Which is a mixture of clogging and snogging. Neither of which I will admit to doing.
You will be finding out more about me as my blogging skills improve.
Welcome and make good choices.