I want to Travel!!! Lately, I have been passing my time looking at all the amazing places I want to travel. I know, I traveled all last semester... But I have caught the travel bug and all I want to do now is explore the world, learn new languages, experience other cultures, and see the beautiful world! It's really hard to focus in school when my heart desires to be elsewhere. My heart desires to speak Spanish and go to:
Machu Picchu!

I learned in my Spanish class that Machu Picchu is an Incan city located 8,000 feet above sea level. It is the "lost city of the Incas." What I find amazing about Machu Picchu is that it wasn't discovered until 1911 because it is so hard to get to. How cool is that?!
Iguazu Falls!

Iguazu Falls are located on the border of Argentina and Brazil. It's an area that has about 275 waterfalls. It looks beautiful and amazing and I want to go.
St. Basil's Cathedral

This cathedral is located in Moscow, Russia. According to legend, after this cathedral was built Ivan the Terrible asked the architect/builder if another could be built like it. And the builder said yes, so Ivan the Terrible blinded the builder so that a cathedral as beautiful as this one would never be built again. I think it is a beautiful cathedral and I would like to see it in person....
Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia
What can I say? It's beautiful.
I want to go everywhere. Maybe one day, when I finally decide on a career, I will be able to travel as much as I would like. Until then, I will just have to be content looking at pictures. And exploring
websites with amazing pictures.