Our final day in London we decided to do the super touristy things. Which included taking pictures in red phone booths, riding double decker buses, going to Hyde Park, and seeing the red guards at Buckingham Palace.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
London with the Roomies
My roommates from SUU, Paige and Rebecca were doing a Harry Potter study abroad in London during May. Leisel and I decided that the final stop on our trip should be to London to hang out with them. Then we would fly back to Salzburg from London. It was a great idea. It was so much fun to see Rebecca and Paige and have them show us around London.
The bridge in the background of this picture is the bridge that was destroyed in the beginning of HP 6! Yay Harry Potter! (on a side note HP 7 part 2 comes out JULY 15!!!!) When Leisel and I first got to London we made our way to Westminster Abbey. This is where we planned on meeting Rebecca and Paige. On the way to Westminster Abbey, I smelled a delicious hot dog on the bridge in front of Big Ben. So I got a delicious hot dog :) and Leisel took a picture. A very flattering picture of me if I do say so myself....... 

After my belly had been satisfied we continued on our journey to Westminster Abbey and found Paige and Rebecca! 

From there we got on the "Tube" aka the metro.
London has a crazy metro system. It is a lot more complicated then some of the other cities I've been to, but with Rebecca leading the way we only got confused once. Tehehe. With Rebecca and Paige we saw Buckingham Palace. I really wanted to see the cool red guards but they weren't there so Leisel and I went back on Tuesday. More on that visit later. 
After that we explored some more of London. Leisel and I sat on a cool lion statue. And there was a countdown to the London Olympics 2012! 
As we continued our walking journey the streets reminded us the proper way to look when crossing the streets. (Everything is backwards there...) And Leisel took up close pictures of everyone's faces. 

The best part of that first day (besides hanging out with Rebecca and Paige) was going on the London Eye. Which is a giant ferris wheel over looking the river. It was Leisel's birthday so that's what we did to celebrate. It was loads of awesomeness. 

The next day we went to the London Tower. And to Tower Bridge. Leisel's camera ran out of memory and I sort of failed at taking pictures that day, so there aren't too many pictures of that day. 

But I did get pictures of what Leisel and I did that night........ 
Yup, me and Leisel went to Wicked!!! It was absolutely amazing! I had already seen Wicked. I went when I was a senior in high school. I loved Wicked then and I loved it again in London. It was amazing! The person playing Glinda was absolutely hilarious! Leisel loved it! I loved it! And I loved the student discounts. It was awesome! Leisel and I liked it so much that we decided that we had to go to another musical the night before we left. So we went to the Queen's Theater and saw....... 
My only regret was that my sister Liz wasn't there with me. She has read the unabridged version of Les Mis and I wish she could have been there with me.
Our final day in London we decided to do the super touristy things. Which included taking pictures in red phone booths, riding double decker buses, going to Hyde Park, and seeing the red guards at Buckingham Palace.

Now, the funny story about Buckingham Palace. So Leisel and I were walking out of Hyde Park towards Buckingham Palace because I really wanted to see the red guard dudes. Well as we were walking there we kept seeing tons and tons of police. As we got to Buckingham Palace the gates were open and the police were everywhere and there were people everywhere. So obviously something was going on. So we decided to stick around and see what was going on there. Luckily we were standing by some British girls who know their royalty pretty well. Because after waiting for a little while we saw Prince Charles and Camilla driving out of the Palace escorted by police. The British girls in front of us were totally freaking out! It was pretty awesome! We thought that was what everyone was waiting for but we were wrong because nobody left after we saw Prince Charles and Camilla. So we stuck around longer. I am very glad that we did!! Because after waiting forever lots and lots of police cars started to drive through the gate and then a black car with British flags came through. Everyone started freaking out and I took a picture of the black car. Then I saw who was in the car.... THE OBAMAS! As in the President of the United States! It was super awesome! Everyone was freaking out. I was in shock because I just saw the President at Buckingham Palace. It was awesome. 

I would say that my trip to London was awesome! I went to the British Museum. 
I saw Wicked, Les Mis, I saw President Obama, I was with great friends, and it was pretty much awesome! I loved it. I think that of all the trips that Leisel and I have been on this trip was probably one of my favorites. We planned everything perfectly and things went smoothly. It was great and I am so glad that I was able to travel and see everything that I was able to see. :) 

P.S. Make sure to Mind the Gap whenever you are going anywhere.
Our final day in London we decided to do the super touristy things. Which included taking pictures in red phone booths, riding double decker buses, going to Hyde Park, and seeing the red guards at Buckingham Palace.
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Sounds awesome! How long were you in London for?