Fachhochschule is the university that I attend here in Salzburg. It is a hard name for me to pronounce :( which is really unfortunate because people ask me where I am going to school and I always pause for a really long time and then attempt to say Fachhochschule. You are supposed to make this one sound that we don’t have in English. And you are supposed to make it twice! So I have been practicing and hopefully next time someone asks I will be able to answer with a little more confidence.
The Fachhochschule has been very nice so far. I haven’t exactly started classes yet… and maybe that is why it hasn’t been so bad. But they have a great program for the incoming students. We had Welcome Week last week which was A LOT better than SUU’s T-Bird Flight School. We went on a tour of “campus”.(Now I put campus in quotations because the Fachhochschule campus consists of one building that has 4 floors. So it is probably the smallest campus I have ever seen. I’m pretty sure all high schools in the US have bigger campuses than the Fachhochschule. But it is kind of nice because it makes it really hard to get lost.) We went on a tour of Salzburg, we got administrative things taken care of, we were put into groups so we got to meet people who will be taking the same classes as us, we were assigned buddy students who are here to help us, and we went sledding in the Alps!

When I say sledding many would get a picture in their mind of a nice little plastic sled that they rode straight down a hill. That’s what I thought. But I was wrong. Sledding in Austria means a sled that looks more like a miniature sleigh and a winding downwards path down the side of a mountain. It was AWESOME!! Leisel and I shared a sleigh because they didn’t have enough so they told the experienced sledders to share. I figured that since I had lived in Utah most of my life and I had been sledding many times I was an experienced sledder. So Leisel and I get on the ski lift which takes us up with HUGE mountain. When we get off we see to the side a path for the sledders. So we get on and start to make our way down. It is a windy path that had many switch backs. The snow was really icy and since there were 2 of us on this sleigh we were going REALLY fast. At one point we couldn’t see because the snow was flying into our eyes and we didn’t think we were going to be able to stop so we were yelling and freaking out and praying that there wasn’t a turn up ahead. Finally we were able to stop. Luckily we didn’t fall of the sides. And we slowly figured out how to control our little sleigh. It was a blast!
All in all welcome week was a success!!

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