Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wien aka Vienna

What an amazing place. I loved Wien. I loved the busyness, the public transportation system, the architecture, the museums, everything! Leisel and I started our Wien adventures by getting lost while searching for Stephansdom. But we found a really cool church.
After figuring out that we were lost we turned around and got some lunch at a Kebap stand. Kebap is amazing! I’ll take pictures next time I get some and I’ll post them. After Kebap we made it to Stephansplatz and then to Stephansdom. Stephansdom is so stinking TALL! My pictures don’t do it justice. I really liked the tile roof. I like the Gothic architecture also. It reminded me of the Dom in Köln.
After we saw Stephansdom we wondered some more and come to the Hofburg Palace.
After that we walked to the Natural History Museum. I loved the Natural History Museum. I thought it was really well done. It reminded me of Night at the Museum. I had a lot of fun seeing all the animals, even if it was a little sad that they were dead and stuffed. They were doing a special exhibit that showed the insides of some animals and that was really cool. It was like Body World but animal style.
The next day we went to the Schloss Schönbrunn. I loved the grounds. I can’t even imagine how cool it would look in the spring and summer. It was such a nice day that we spent some time laying in the sun on the hill overlooking the Schloss.
Unfortunately both my camera and Leisel’s camera ran out of batteries that day. I forgot to bring my charger with me. Leisel brought her charger with her but didn’t bring the plug converter. That's what happens when you pack when you are only partially awake in the morning. So the picture overlooking the Schloss is the last picture we have of Wien.

But the next day Leisel and I went to some art museums. We went to the Modern Art Museum, which was really disappointing and not worth the 6 Euro we paid to get in. I don’t suggest going. We left and still had the desire to see some art. So we went to the Museum of Art History that was right across from the Museum of Natural History. This museum was a lot better. There were a lot of pictures of bible stories and famous Europeans. They also had an exhibit on the Egyptians and Romans. We were both satisfied after we left that museum. After the museum we decided some Torte (cake) was necessary. So we got some Torte. It was delicious.

I loved Wien. Part of me wished that I had chosen to study in Wien instead of Salzburg. But then I came back to Salzburg and it felt sort of like home. So its all good. I am very grateful that I have been able to travel.


  1. Did you get to go inside Schonbrunn? I loved that place! The flowers were out when we were there and it was so beautiful. The Stephansdom was under renovation so we didn't get to see much of it. Vienna is a most amazing city. I'm glad you got to go there :)

  2. Ahhhh this is awesome!!! The pictures look like so much fun.
